Thursday, April 9, 2009

Franklin Field _does_ still Exist

Was cajoled into into a "base" workout at Franklin Field. Though I whined and stomped my feet, it was probably good to re-enter the track season with some longer distances... Anyways, the details:

1200m @ 4:14 (2:30 rest)
800 @ 2:44 (2:20 rest)
400 @ 1:12 (2:15 rest)
200 @ 0:29 (3:15 rest)
200 @ 0:30

2 x 100 (Focusing on initial acceleration and coasting through the end)
2 x 100 (Focusing on constant acceleration throughout. For me, this means getting up to speed and then really trying to increase my turn-over rate)

To paraphrase Ellis, the reasoning behind doing longer distances in some of these earlier workouts is to build a solid base that will let us push through long hard workouts this summer into the fall when we are working on higher speeds for shorter distances.


Amy said...

Jon, have you ever considered paraphrasing for a living?

Jon said...

I think I spend about 87% of my time paraphrasing.

dusty.rhodes said...

Could you follow Ellis around 24/7 and paraphrase?

Simultaneously, I would like Raph to follow Tim around and narrate existence.

Perhaps you could paraphrase that as well?

I think the the universe would feel complete while all of this went down.

I like where this is heading--
Pike 2009: Paranarration!

dusty.rhodes said...

Also, could you paraphrase your above comment? It is too complex.

Do you paraphrase to your robot army?
Or have you taught them to understand long-form English?

For those keeping score: Yes, this is a strange morning.

Tim said...

Stranger still when you are reading all these comments from Italy. Anybody know where the apostrophe key is on an Italian keyboard?

A. Reader said...

i think its near the "get over yourself" key

dusty.rhodes said...

A. Reader:

Please to comment on everything Tim does while Raph narrates.

Smellis said...

My times (i really need to keep a workout log):
1200: 3'56"
800: 2'31"
400: forgot to press start, Jon thought i was -5secs from him
200: 29' and 29'

I just want to add that building this base doesn't HAVE to come from running (slightly) longer distance but can come from an assortment of exercises, incl tabatas, deckS of cards, etc. But doing a workout of longer distances may reduce exposure to injury as compared to a x8 200m workout at this point of the (pre)season

dusty.rhodes said...

I find it is the difference between seasons that catches up with me.

That is, if my peak-season workouts are on the order of 10-75M, then shouldn't my off-season workouts be pretty close to that? I go with ~100-200M at the longest and 40-70 at the shortest. Sure, some intervals on/off variables, but, by and large, I find that the longer distances make me more UNaccustomed to the sharp, quick cutting in ultimate.

It is those stabilizing muscles, those decelerating muscles. Those Eccentric muscles that get left out.

If you need help in that dept, I highly recommend The Leg Circuit.