Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pre-Paradise Workout

Couldn't make the organized workout at Franklin Field so I hit up the Art Museum with Matt Glazer and put my last workout prior to heading to Hawaii.

Total Workout:
Short jog followed by one set of stairs.

Active stretching

Fartlek run, 4 sets of 3 minutes on 2 minutes off for about 3 miles along the river. Felt much better than the last time I did this with the Finks.

The did a strength/core workout
10 Crunches with 5 sec pause at top
5 Pushups
20 Lying Hip Swings (10 Each Side)
6 Pushups
20 Toe touches (10 Each Side)
7 Pushups
50 Bicycles
8 Pushups
10 Crunches with 5 sec pause at top
9 Pushups
30 second flat, left, and right planks
10 Pushups

Tried to convince him to do some stairs afterwards but he had to get to quizzo and was my ride home so I didn't have much bargaining power.


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