Friday, January 9, 2009

Choppin' Wood

Always choppin' wood.

That is, no matter the day, I do work.
That is existence. Either choose the work, or have the work chosen...

[ed: much babbling cut here]

Anyway, my goals recently have been to not eat when I'm not genuinely hungry, to walk after the biggest meal of the day, and to not take more than 4 hours between activity (excepting sleep). I work to be mindful of the notion that whatever I ask of my body, others have achieved more using less.

"I'm tired/I ate too much/I blah blah blah"

Fuck that.
Quit or Commit.

IF you have a Goal, THEN work toward it.
Main foci of late:

Tabata Medball Squat Lifts (Variable width foot-position, squat as low as possible, touch ball to ground with fully extended arms, stand up while raising ball over head). I aim for 13 per 20 seconds with a 12lb ball. I can always get 11. 12 is normal.

Medball Slams. I love doing these.

Hill sprints. I hate doing these.

Medball Balance Pushups on Balance Board. These have done wonders for balancing the strength of my arms/chest/back. You simply can't fake it. The exercise itself prevents it.

Warmup adapted from TaiChi warmup. Focuses on twisting upper body while turning hips. Hmm... I smell correlation to ultimate.


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