Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i throw it hard and far.

10 medball tosses
15 medball slams
10 burpees
(twice through)

10 medball tosses
15 medball slams
(thrice through)

10 min throwing

medball is 12lbs.
see title.


-89 said...

on your tosses, are you throwing it straight up into the air?

dusty.rhodes said...

On these I was throwing it straight up, letting it bounce in front of me, catching it on the bounce, lowering it, and then throwing it straight up again.

I do other ones where I throw them behind me.

I do others where I throw them down behind me. Those, the jury is still out on.

-89 said...

Thanks for the tip. I stole your workout and used it for my own nefarious purposes.