Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Something > Nothing

20 wide grip pushups
10 mini-band full range of motion squats
20 narrow grip pushups
10 mini-band full range of motion squats
20 fingertip pushups
10 mini-band full range of motion squats

20 min stretching
10 min active massage


"mini-band full range of motion squats" = elastic band just above knees. slowly squat, staying "rooted" (= focus on form + keep heels on ground) until hamstrings rest on calves. breathe one breath. explode upward to tippy-toes. breathe one breath. repeat. i find that this recruits the lateral muscles of my legs and hips while engaging my lower back as well. the breaths maintain focus.

"active massage" = articulating sore/inflamed joints/muscles while putting pressure on sore/tight spots. i find this helps me learn more about what causes problems. particularly in regards to my shoulders/hips/knees, but other parts as well.

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