Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Ultisquash

Tuesday I ventured over to Haverford for another round of Ultisquash. We had pretty good numbers, nothing like Saturday but the nice thing about having less people is it means more playing. Tuesday marked the first emergence of Schmucker from his hybernation and we had some newbies out last night which is always interesting because you get to kind of watch how quickly they pick up the differences in the game from real ultimate.

The game ends up being much more about explosive speed and having really quick hands and if that's not something you already have your first experiences can be difficult. It also helps to have an array of "junk" throws (push pass, scoober, thumber, etc.) that actually still come out pretty flat/floaty for other people to catch. While you don't pick up a ton of useful things from playing ultisquash I still maintain that you get a great workout, you definitely work on and build up a lot of fast twitch muscles, and you practice for those unfortunate situations in games where you've got to get the disc off for a dump with little to no stall count left and some junk is getting throw at you.

It ends up being a lot of fun too.

Total workout: 2 hours of ultisquash
Current weight: 216

1 comment:

Jon said...

I would add (for all the US haters out there) that you also get A LOT of practice at catching EVERYTHING. (1) Throws are coming at you with weird angles (2) You typically have about 0.5 seconds to think (less when Tim is throwing to you) and (3) I don't have the numbers worked out, but I'm pretty sure the catches per minute of ultisquash is at least an order of magnitude higher than ultimate.