Tuesday, November 18, 2008

J's Friendly Challenge

5 x pull-ups
5 x dips
100 x squats
10 x pull-ups
10 x dips
75 x squats
15 x pull-ups
15 x dips
50 x squats
20 x pull-ups
20 x dips
25 x squats

For Time.
I did:

5 x pull-ups
5 x dips
100 x squats
5 x pull-ups
10 x dips
5 x pull-ups
75 x squats
10 x pull-ups
15 x dips
5 x pull-ups
50 x squats
10 x pull-ups
20 x dips
10 x pull-ups
25 x squats

Time: 10:08

I learned that J's approximation of a muscle up was to jam to exercises together (only one of which [dips] can i complete 20 consecutive iterations), I paired the possible around the possible to complete the impossible. If I had gone Straight Through, this might have taken me an hour.


-89 said...

And now consider what Crossfit.com says is a suitable substitution for 1 muscle-up:

"Pullups and dips. Some have suggested 1 min of both somewhat equates to one muscle-up. Most common substitution is 3 pullups +3 dips, or 4 pullups +4 dips."

dusty.rhodes said...


i did, however, eke out about 3/4 of a muscle-up the other day.

why don't i get emails when there are comments?